Thursday, July 19, 2012

100 Greatest Movies of All Time...That I Own. # 82 ~ Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star

Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star

For those keeping up with the list so far, it should really come as no surprise that a movie starring David Spade has made the Top 100.

It may even be more shocking to find out, it's not the only time he'll hit the charts!

The question I had to ask myself, which David Spade entry makes the list here.  Would it be Dickie Roberts, or would it be Joe Dirt?

Yep, there was a David Spade debate over which movie would make the charts!!!  Film-lovers everywhere would have a melt-down.  Fighting over a David Spade movie, and yet Citizen Kane doesn't make the list? Sacrilege!!


I should have put a spoiler. 

Yes, for those expecting to find Citizen Kane anywhere on the list, you will be disappointed.  Not only do I not own it, I've never seen it.  Not only that, but at this point in life, I really don't want to see it, as I find the over-inflated cinematic greats often come up short.

But I digress, we're talking about Dickie Roberts here.  It is the Citizen Kane of David Spade roles.  There, that's a nice segue.

So what you have is a tale of Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star.  He grew up on tv and was in a smash television show.  It went off the air, and now Dickie is a has-been.  As we'll find out, it's not the money and fame he misses, as much as it being in the public eye and cared about.

Yep, it's one of those sweet morals buried under a mountain of slapstick.

Naturally, he has his eyes on making a comeback in a movie, but he doesn't have the life experience to play the part, so says director Rob Reiner.

Of course, not to be deterred, Dickie hires a family to give him a life experience.

Then, naturally, everyone is going to learn a little something from their encounter together.  The movie is really funny, really sweet, and I cannot hear the song "Ride Like the Wind" by Christopher Cross without thinking of this movie.

And that's a good thing.

I think in the end, what wins Dickie a place over Joe Dirt...

The inclusion of Jon Lovitz.  It's like a Hollywood formula.  To make a good movie better, add Jon Lovitz.

Don't believe me?

Try watching A League of Their Own and delete his part in the story.


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