Tuesday, July 10, 2012

100 Greatest Movies of All Time...That I Own. # 91 ~ Dave

Another day, another foray into politics.

Dave has ambitions to be a politician.  Only he is one that cares about the people and doing right by them.  He also happens to look JUST LIKE THE PRESIDENT!

You can see where this fish out of water story is heading.

That's right, the President's health takes a turn for the worse, and the cabinet grabs the impersonator to buy a little time while they sort out what to do.

However, a funny thing happens...  Dave is actually a pretty good, if unpredictable, President.

This of course is not good for his handlers, who have to figure out a way to deal with the faux Pres.

Oh, and of course, along the way the First Lady meets her "husband" and wouldn't you know... she falls in love all over again.

It's an Ivan Reitman film through and through, which is a good thing.  In fact, it's the first of 3 Reitman films, so I'll go out on a limb and say it's his third best film. : )

The entire cast is extraordinary, but an enormous amount of the credit to this film has to go to Kevin Kline.  He carries the weight of the movie on his very talented shoulders, and shines at every turn.  It's my favorite role that he's ever starred in, and just a fun movie to watch every so often.

Plus, it's way better than anything you'll see from any party in office, ever.

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