Wednesday, July 4, 2012

100 Greatest Films of All Time...That I Own. # 97 ~ Employee of the Month

Dane Cook.  Jessica Simpson.  Dax Shepard.

If you had told me that those 3 would star in one of my favorite movies of all time, I would have told you that you need your head examined.

Okay, with the exception of Dax Shepard.  That dude is always hilarious.

Yet somehow... the perfect storm happened, and there you have a movie starring Dane Cook, who for me, is a "leave it" in the "Take it or leave it" category with his stand-up, and all of his other movies fall short in charm and humor.

But Employee of the Month is non-stop hilarity throughout.

And really, you can only root for the hero as much as you want to root against the villain.

And Dax pretty much steals the movie as the rival for everything Dane Cook hopes to attain.  With each comeuppance, you simply laugh that much harder.

I mean, price check on a Honda POS?


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