Sunday, July 1, 2012

100 Greatest Films of All Time... That I Own. # 100

A Long Time Ago...

Let's kick off this highly controversial list with a movie that almost didn't even make the cut.  Star Wars.   Not Episode IV.  Not Greedo shooting first Star Wars...

So you can see why it almost didn't make the list.  It's been so tampered and changed over the years, it's almost a shell of what it used to be.   The 3 prequels have sucked all of the mystery and mystique from the story.

But ignoring all of that... the original story is a lot of fun.  An homage to the Saturday morning serials, it's the timeless story of good versus evil.  I'd say boy meets girl... but eww... we know how that turns out.

While it may be the story of Luke Skywalker, everyone with half a brain gravitates to the cocky smuggler, Han Solo who steals the movie, and launched the career of Harrison Ford.  It also introduced the world to the coolest looking villain of all time, Darth Vader.

Honestly, the criteria for this listing is a movie that provides such great enjoyment, that at any time if someone says, "hey, let's watch this...." I'm ready, willing, and able!  To be honest, looking over the list again, I could easily remove this one, as I just don't get that feeling anymore.

But, for the sake of starting over and finding another movie to replace this one, this will stand as # 100.  However, the grasp on this list is tenuous at best for this movie, and if I were to couple it as a franchise, there's no chance it would make it when adding in the first 3 films. 

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