Friday, August 11, 2017

Well, That Was Disappointing..."Shin Godzilla"

Shin Godzilla (2016)

Not Rated

Starring Godzilla, Thousands of Screaming Japanese People

Directed by Hideaki Anno & Sean Whitley

The Story:

Some great disturbance under the ocean floor unleashes a worm unlike the world has ever seen. At least it seems like a worm. Eventually it makes landfall, and in short order begins to evolve, stand tall, and begin to destroy Japan!  How will the Japanese government stop...


Hey look kids, it's a film about Emergency Management planning!

Sound fun?

Well, it's not. 

It's basically 2 hours of governments attempting to figure out how to stop Godzilla, and which arm of the government should take the lead on it. 

Yeah, not very exciting. 

Then you've got Godzilla, who looks really ridiculous at first, until he finally evolves into something that mostly resembles the Godzilla we've come to love over the last 50+ years from Toho. 

But, it still doesn't really feel right. The face is off, enough... perhaps too big of a mouth opening.

And then I kept laughing at the ridiculous length of the tail as it flailed around in the movie.

However, keep a close eye on it, as it apparently holds the key to the sequel...

that I will probably watch, but don't look forward to seeing. 


Unlike Kong: Skull Island, this one was very much a disappointment for me. 

While they've allowed different takes with each movie, it doesn't seem like they can decide what direction they're going with for Godzilla at this point. 

Instead, they freeze him like a statue and wait for the next film to probably start all over again. 

Godzilla is getting more origin stories than Spider-Man at this point! 

I'm hearing rumblings of another cinematic meet-up with Kong in the future. 

We'll see how that goes...

Final Grade:  D

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