Friday, February 10, 2017

Fame And Fortune? "Don't Think Twice"

Don't Think Twice (2016) 

Rated R

Starring Mike Birbiglia, Gillian Jacobs, Kate Micucci, Tami Sagher, Keegan-Michael Key, Chris Gethard

Written and Directed by Mike Birbiglia

The Story:

An improv group is struggling to keep their theater afloat when couple Jack (Key) and Samantha (Jacobs) are invited to audition for 'This Weekend Live'. Jack is hired, and Samantha blows off her audition because she just doesn't really want that life. The group struggles to go on with an integral member of their cast no longer there, and his inability to drag his friends to the next potential level of success.

Birbiglia returns as writer/director, and this time takes the focus off of himself, though his character, Miles, does play a major part in this movie. He even has to come to realize that he is the springboard to success for other actors as this isn't the first person he's sent to the big show.

Instead, he focuses on the interactions of an improvisational group of friends who have become a family, and what happens to the relationships in that family when one becomes successful and the others are all left behind.

Of course there are the well-wishes, but there is also pain and resentment, to the point where they even begin to call into question whether Jack's creations are even funny.

The parallel's to the rise to stardom on Saturday Night Live are there, and how each of them are trying to reach that next level of stardom, regardless of what that might mean to the overall effectiveness of their group.

However, without fail, the show must go on, and if that means there are a few less actors on stage and audience members coming to see them, the show must go on.

Funny and heartfelt, it's worth a look.

Final Grade: B

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