Monday, October 24, 2016

A New Take On The Zombie Virus..."Cell"

Cell (2016)

Rated R

Starring John Cusack, Samuel L. Jackson, Isabelle Fuhrman, Stacy Keach, Ethan Andrew Casto, Clark Sarullo,

Directed by Tod Williams

The Story:

Clay (Cusack) is an aspiring graphic novelist who is on his way to see his son (Casto) after a productive meeting. His phone battery dies while talking with his estranged wife (Sarullo). Suddenly, he notices passengers in the airport that had been behaving normally while on their cell phones, break out into a murderous frenzy. He barely escapes and finds some other survivors including Tom (Jackson) and they decide to head north to find Clay's son.

Equal parts Invasion of the Body Snatchers meets Any Typical Zombie movie, you've now got Cell, based on a book by Stephen King.

There is no real mention of what causes the outbreak, and the only real clue is that the villain that seems to be at the center of it all looks just like a character that Clay created.


Is this a movie that is dreamed by the main character?

I'd like to hope so because the ending was horrible.

Which is disappointing, because up until that point, the movie was actually not to bad for a low-budget thriller.

I'd even go so far as to say watch the movie up until the point Cusack and Jackson part ways.

Once that happens, turn it off, take it out, and send it back to Netflix.

You'll likely find you had a better viewing experience than sticking around for the conclusion.

Reading up on the differences between the book and the movie, the book had a vague, but positive ending.

Not so in this film.

It's neither vague, nor positive.

It downright sucks, even.

And that blame falls directly on King's shoulders as he is the one that wrote the screenplay, wanting to change the ending.

Master of horror...

More like master of horrible endings.


Final Grade: C

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