Monday, April 11, 2016

So Similar...Still Different... "Silent Night"

Silent Night (2012)

Rated R

Starring Malcolm McDowell, Jaime King, Donal Logue

Directed by Steven C. Miller

The Story:

A deranged Santa is stalking a Midwestern town, killing people who have been naughty this holiday season. A deputy (King) and the sheriff (McDowell) are trying to catch him before he can kill again.

Let's go back a few decades.

The year is 1984 and a movie was released called Silent Night, Deadly Night. It was about a boy who saw something horrible happen to his parents, and he grew up and snapped one Christmas Eve. Dressed as Santa, he goes on a killing spree.

Needless to say, in the 80s, when this movie was announced, all of the usual suspects protested and claimed it was the end of Western Civilization as we knew it to have a movie about a murderer dressed as Santa.

Apparently murderers were fine, but this crossed some ethical line.

The protests of course did nothing but provide free publicity to the movie, and it became a minor cult hit.

I saw it.

I still remember it, it was pretty good, for an 80s horror /slasher flick.

I knew it spawned a sequel, which I didn't find quite as good, but yeah, I watched it.

I didn't know that it spawned an additional 3 sequels after that.

Not sure how excited I am to catch up on the franchise.

: )

So fast forward to 2012, and this film comes along which is a reboot...reimagining... whatever you will of the film.

Doesn't follow the original note for note, but there are some subtle, and less subtle homages during the film.

This film focuses on Aubrey (King) who is tied to the killer in ways she won't realize until the bitter end. The movie offers up several red herrings on who the killer might be...until that person winds up dead, so it will keep you guessing until the end.

McDowell has a great bit of fun as the macho sheriff who vows to keep his town safe.

Again, like the franchise that inspired it, nothing that reinvents horror cinema, but deserving of at least a viewing, if for McDowell's performance alone.

Final Grade: C

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