Tuesday, August 25, 2015

A Great Movie Made With "Spare Parts"

Spare Parts (2015)

Rated PG-13

Starring George Lopez, Marisa Tomei, Jamie Lee Curtis, Carlos PenaVega, Jose Julian, David Del Rio, Oscar Javier Gutierrez II

Directed by Sean McNamara

The Story:

Four Hispanic high school students (PenaVega, Julia, Del Rio, Gutierrez) come together by different circumstances to form a robotics club under the mentorship of new teacher, former engineer Dr. Fredi Cameron (Lopez). Cameron is using teaching as a stopgap while he tries to get back into engineering and doesn't really care to be part of the robotics team at first. But with a trip to the underwater robotics championship on the line, the team is going to attempt to pull off a miracle.

Can they do it?

Should I mention that this is based on a true story?  Well, it is.

Think of this as an underdog sports movie, but now replace the sports with science.

Underdog nerds!

: )

Now, while Lopez, Tomei and Curtis receive top billing, it's the boys that carry the movie, and they do a remarkable job.

It's when the team arrives at the competition that things take an interesting turn.

They decide to take their high school team out of competition with the other high schools because they'd rather come in last taking on the college teams than coming in last against other high schools.

It's an insanely brilliant plan, but a funny thing happens on the way to failing.

I would prefer you watch for yourself, I think you'll like it.

As for me, it's one of a very small handful of movies in the running for best of the year honors.

Final Grade; B+

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