Wednesday, June 11, 2014

I Guess It's Better Than Being An Ice Queen? "Ice Princess"

Ice Princess (2005)
Rated G

Starring Michelle Trachtenberg, Joan Cusack, Hayden Panettiere, Kim Cattrall, Trevor Blumas

Directed by Tim Fywell

The Story:

Casey (Trachtenberg) is a great student who loves math and science.  She puts these skills together to do a study on figure skaters in the hopes of getting a scholarship to college.  Her passion comes through in the project, and she yearns to skate.  Offering her analysis of how to skate better, she trades for some ice time under demanding coach Tina Harwood (Cattrall).  Casey gets really good, really fast, which poses a threat to Gen Harwood's (Panettiere) chances of fame and fortune.

Sounds like trouble!

The funny thing is though, the trouble doesn't happen between the teen girls.  Nope, it's the coach who feels most threatened.

Then add in a romance with the Coach's son (Blumas) and Casey having arguments with her mom (Cusack) about even wanting to be an ice skater, and you have a nearly perfect coming of age film for teenage girls.

Revisited almost a decade after watching it the first time, it's still a pretty good film.

Not too sugary, not too sappy.

The characters come off multidimensional and not just wooden stereotypes, and that is always a plus.

It's a Disney film, so you pretty much know what you're getting into, but they still do a good job of not telegraphing every moment of the film.

So if you've got teen or tween daughters, here's a movie you can watch along with them, and there's not a sparkling vampire to be found.


Final Grade: Solid B

Rewatchability/Purchase Factor: I meant to buy it years ago but never did.  We'll see if I pick it up before or after my next teen/tweens outgrow it. ;)

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