Monday, March 9, 2020

Crime Time... "Spenser Confidential"

Spenser Confidential (2020)

Rated R

Starring Mark Wahlberg, Winston Duke, Alan Arkin

Directed by Peter Berg

The Story:

Spenser (Wahlberg) is a former cop who has spent the last 5 years in prison for beating his commanding officer. On the day Spenser is released from prison, his old boss winds up dead. Spenser's alibi checks out, but now he's got to figure out who killed his boss and why, putting him in the cross hairs of the bad guys and the Boston Police Department, which may be one and the same!

Your mileage could definitely vary with this one.

Truth be told:

I've never read the Spenser books by Robert B. Parker.

Aside from casual memory of my dad watching Spenser For Hire back in the day, I barely watched any of those shows either.

So I cannot rend my garments and gnash my teeth for how Peter Berg and Mark Wahlberg have destroyed the character and tromped on my childhood.

Instead I can say that I had a pretty good time watching the film, and hope enough of us have tuned in since the Netflix Original premiered last Friday to green light further sequels.


Looking around online, it seemed that many critics hated it, while audiences have pretty much given it a thumbs up.

One review said it harkened back to the dumb action flicks of the 80s.

Buddy, that's my bread and butter, and I consider that an endorsement, not a detractor! :)

Winston Duke fills out the role of Hawk really well, using his considerable size as both a weapon and that there is more to Hawk than just brawn.

Alan Arkin does his usual splendid routine as the put-upon father figure who just wants his boys to get along.

As with all Peter Berg action flicks I've enjoyed over the years, it's a fairly fast moving affair that keeps you buckled in and enjoying the ride from start to finish. This is his 4th collaboration with Mark Wahlberg, and perhaps they have finally found a franchise that can keep them partnering up for the foreseeable future, until Mark doesn't want to play action hero any longer.

Good job all involved!

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