Monday, September 26, 2016

Militant Cookie Entrepreneur..."The Boss"

The Boss (2016)

Rated R

Starring Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Bell, Peter Dinklage, Ella Anderson, Tyler Labine, Kathy Bates,

Directed by Ben Falcone

The Story:

Michelle Darnell (McCarthy) is a millionaire who winds up in jail after a little bit of insider trading. When she comes out, she learns that she can't just Martha Stewart her way back to the top. She intrudes upon her former assistant Claire (Bell) and her daughter Rachel (Anderson). When Michelle tastes some of Claire's brownies, she decides that she's got her new business venture to get on top, no matter what scout troops she might have to demolish to get there.

I approach every Melissa McCarthy with great caution these days.

She seems genuinely funny, but I've found that more often than not, she's being pigeonholed into playing the same acerbic wise-ass in every role.

And her delivery is impeccable, and sometimes her dialogue is outrageously funny...

Other times, it falls flat for me.

I would chalk The Boss up as my favorite of her starring roles thus far.

I think the only thing I would change, is her Chevy Chase falling down schtick.

We get it, you're a physical comedienne, but really, what point did the pratfalls serve in this movie?

The sofa bed, I get it. It was a set-up for the last joke in the movie, so I'll give you that one, but the fall down the stairs?

Time to let the stunts go.

They really don't service the plot very much, and again, you're getting yourself typecast.

Now, all of that said, I laughed a lot more in this movie than I expected to, but a lot of that laughter gets to be spread around to the rest of the cast, especially Kristen Bell as the poor Girl Friday who finally stands up for herself, and still gets run over at the same time.

I'm now more optimistic for future projects than I was before I watched this one.

And no, that doesn't count Ghostbusters, because every trailer I saw looked lame.

: )

Final Grade: B-

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