Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Dirty Little Secrets... "America Unearthed"

America Unearthed (2012)

How do you write a review based on just one show, for a series that has been going on for over 3 years?

Easy, you watch that show ages ago, and then sit down today and try and remember what you liked and didn't like about it.

That leads us to America Unearthed.

Forensic Geologist Scott Wolter tackles The History Channel's latest foray into exploring our past.

Now, while Forensic Geologist sounds like a nifty name for a CSI spin-off, think of him more like an Indiana Jones who doesn't want to find the treasure so much as he wants to find how the treasures link to other treasures or people.

The first episode (and only so far) that I've watched has him investigating some pyramid like burial mounds in North America that have been deemed off limits to the public, and similar finds south of the border.

Thanks to the use of flying over the airspace, they are able to map the American ruins and compare them to the ones they can actually explore.

Between that, and actual geographic evidence that can be found in America, it appears that there is indeed a link between the two.

And there you have the premise for the show.

Don't get me wrong, I'm more than willing to keep watching, but when you fall behind on viewing the rest of the things that are out there, these hour-long shows (about 43 minutes after commercials are removed) usually only get fit in when it's about an hour before bed.

Netflix currently has one season available. Maybe by the time I finish it, they will add some more!


Final Grade: C+

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