Saturday, October 18, 2014

Here's To A Delicious Weekend... "Good Eats"

Good Eats (1999)

Starring Alton Brown

Originally aired on the Food Network

The Story:

Alton Brown hosts a delightfully entertaining cooking show that is equal parts cooking, history, science and fun.

You'll learn a few things along the way, whether you intend to or not!

So apparently Netflix snapped up some episodes of shows from the Food Network.

I figured, why not?

It's just a bit over 21 minutes long, and sometimes a little short something is just what you need to unwind before bed, or just relaxing on the couch but you don't want to devote the full time that a movie demands.

After all, we enjoyed our episodes of Cake Boss, so let's see what this offers.

It's awesome!

Brown is a genial host.  Filled with facts and enthusiasm for what he does, Brown is filled with energy from start to finish on his show.

He offers up recipes both straightforward and easy to the challenging, but you see with just following a few simple steps, you too can cook like a chef!

That he infuses historical facts and science components in his explanations expands your overall cooking knowledge and appreciation for the magic that happens in the kitchen.

So far only 25 episodes are available for streaming on Netflix as of this writing.  It's not the first season, as Brown refers to other episodes in some of his discussions.

So far, I've seen no reason why these need to be in order, so feel free to jump right in.

I'm trying to take it one episode a day so I don't run out, but it would be so easy to just let them play.

As the show ran for over a decade, there's another 200+ episodes just waiting to be watched.

Dear Netflix,
Please, bring them!

Final Grade: A-

Rewatchability/Purchase Factor: I would have no problem watching some of these again, but again, I'm hoping I get to see the other 225 or so episodes first!

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