Friday, January 11, 2019

Do Not RSVP... "Destination Wedding"

Destination Wedding (2018)

Rated R

Starring Keanu Reeves, Winona Ryder

Written and Directed by Victor Levin

The Story:

Frank (Reeves) and Lindsay (Ryder) are two bitter, cynical people. They pretty much instantly dislike one another, and they are forced to endure a weekend together as guests at a wedding that neither wants to be at.

If you can endure the full 90 minutes of it, then you are a better person than I am.

Or you like your Romantic Comedies to be neither romantic nor comedic.

Okay, I take a little bit of that back.  Some of the lines are indeed funny, in the most biting, cynical way possible.

The problem (hard to choose just one) that I had with this movie, is that Reeves and Ryder made their characters so unlikable, I didn't want to stay with them through the entire weekend to see if they fall in love or just have anger sex midway through the film.

I can't even tell if I made it past the 20 minute mark, it felt like 2 hours of hearing these two whine, bitch, moan and complain about each other and every little thing.

The running time is only 90 minutes!

I ejected it sometime between 20 minutes and 50 minutes, I just couldn't take anymore of them.

Perhaps if there had been any redeeming qualities to either lead character?

Instead, there was... dialogue...

And not just any dialogue.

These were conversations between two characters that sounded nothing like real people talking.

Instead, it sounded like two people reading rehearsed pretentious lines and working them into a conversation that no two people would ever actually have in real life.

Too bad, but I'll place the blame for that solely at the feet of writer/diretor Levin.

I'd give it 0 stars, but I'm afraid someone might mistake this critique as a 5 star effort, and I don't want that mix-up! :)

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