Wednesday, January 16, 2019

You Can Check It Out Anytime You Like..."Instant Hotel"

Instant Hotel (2018)

Hosted by Luke Jacobz

The Story:

5 pairs of Australian instant hotel owners all take a one night vacation at each other's home/hotel. They then judge each hotel they stay out to figure out what is the best Instant Hotel Down Under!

In addition to judging each other, renowned designer Juliet Ashworth pops by to see what's right, and what's wrong with the hotel.

Sounds like riveting reality tv, no?


There are 12 episodes now airing on Netflix.

The first 5 belong to one group of hotel owners.

The second 5 are a whole new group!

The twist comes from the last 2 episodes when the winners of each group have a "Hotel-Off!" with participants from each of the 2 different casts coming back to judge.


All in all, you'll find some typical reality tv scheming, contestants you root for and contestants you can't stand, and some you love that you can't stand them. :)

I disagree in theory as to how the final judging takes place.  I don't think the actual finalists make for fair judges... but they are also there to help create last minute drama to help themselves win.

Fair enough I suppose.

Still, quite enjoyed my trip Down Under. Gorgeous scenery.

And, I'm of the opinion that the right duo won.

At least, of the 2 choices I had. :)

Watched an episode a night, then binged both of the finale episodes.


Not your typical Netflix viewer. :)

I'll be back when they offer up a new season.

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