Tuesday, September 1, 2015

It's "Jupiter Ascending" Quickly To The List Of Worst Movies Of 2015.

Jupiter Ascending (2015)

Rated PG-13

Starring Mila Kunis, Channing Tatum, Sean Bean

Written and Directed by Andy & Lana Wachowski

The Story:

Jupiter Jones (Kunis) is an illegal alien who cleans bathrooms for a living. No, not that kind of alien, the kind from outer space. However she doesn't realize this until aliens come to get her and she is saved by intergalactic space hero, Caine Wise (Tatum).

That sums up about the 20 minutes, that felt just shy of an hour, that I endured this film.

I looked around the room at all of the faces not watching, or caring what was happening in this film.

I then looked at the clock on the wall and realized I still had just a hair under 2 hours still to go, and I didn't really care for the characters or the plot (if there truly was one yet) of this film.



Note to self, add the Wachowskis as directors (and writers) whose work, overall, is stuff that I don't care for. Never cared for The Matrix, never bothered with the sequels. Cloud Atlas had some interesting ideas, but the overlong run time saps your energy.

Again, I have to wonder if you keep allowing some directors to write/direct/produce their own movies, who is the filter to tell them, hey, this kind of sucks?

Seems that there isn't one.

I can only tell them after the fact.

Hey, this movie kind of sucked.

The visuals were nice though.

: /

Final Grade: D

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