Monday, September 28, 2015

Going To Prison? Better "Get Hard" First!

Get Hard (2015)

Rated R

Starring Will Ferrell, Kevin Hart, Craig T. Nelson, Alison Brie

Directed by Etan Cohen

The Story:

James (Ferrell) is a well-to-do stock broker who has it all: the girl (Brie) he's going to marry who's dad (Nelson) is the boss where James works. However, when James is accused of fraud and sentenced to the harshest sentence possible, he decides he needs to spend the month prior to going to jail getting ready for life in the big house.  So he hires Darnell (Hart) who will train him to 'Get Hard' for life in prison. This is merely the assumption by James because Darnell is black, therefore, statistically speaking, he must have done time.

So there you go.

Statistically speaking, this movie should be uproariously funny, however, it doesn't quite click on all cylinders from start to finish.

I still enjoyed it, and Ferrell and Hart make a pretty good duo and they both elicit their fair share of funny moments.

Sometimes movies like this are difficult to pull off with two great funny actors as the duo. One often has to play the straight man to allow the other to pull off the comedy bit.

The movie allows for both to trade off to get the laugh in one scene and play it straight in the next.

For the most part, it works and was fun, but with a bit more time and effort the results could have been epic.

Final Grade: C+/B- range.

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