Wednesday, October 17, 2018

So That's How You Keep The Franchise Alive..."The First Purge"

The First Purge (2018)
Rated R

Starring Y'lan Noel, Lex Scott Davis, Joivan Wade, Mugga, Patch Darragh

Directed by Gerard McMurray

The Story:

In a world tired of 2 party political in-fighting that gets America nowhere, the Founding Fathers of America swoops in and gains control of the White House. One of their first orders of business: The Purge. A night where for 12 hours, all crime is legal. It allows you to vent and get a little aggression out of your system. And if the results kill a few "less desirables"along the way, so be it. Of course, to test this theory, they have to start somewhere, and New York gets to play guinea pig.

2 years ago, I wondered if James DeMonaco's franchise would find life after the really-better-than-it-should-be-trilogy of The Purge, The Purge: Anarchy & The Purge: Election Year wrapped up.

Aha... start at the beginning.

DeMonaco wrote it, but he's passing the directing reigns off this go round as we get to discover the beginnings of the seedy world he envisioned when he created the Purge universe.

And I think I'm using that term correctly, because they just had or are having a 10 episode television show as well.

** Note to Self... put that in my Netflix Queue for later! **

To be fair, this grim and gritty universe is also more entertaining than the DC Cinematic Universe.


But I digress...

The residents are paid to stay put, and others are encouraged to purge, but if there is any hope of taking this thing nationwide and making it an annual event, there needs to be a lot of participation.

It's the who and the how that may, or may not, surprise you!

If you've seen any of the first 3 movies, you know what you're getting into, and it's been a good ride thus far.

I don't think you'll be disappointed.

If you've stayed away from The Purge franchise, this also makes a great jumping on point to see them in order.

Final Grade: B-

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