Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Here Fishy Fishy..."Finding Dory"

Finding Dory (2016)  

Rated PG

Starring Ellen DeGeneres, Albert Brooks, Ed O'Neill, Kaitlin Olson, Ty Burrell, Eugene Levy, Diane Keaton, Sigourney Weaver, Idris Elba, Hayden Rolence,

Directed by Andrew Stanton & Angus MacLane

The Story:

A year after their big adventure of finding Nemo, Dory (DeGeneres) is feeling restless. She's remembering bits and pieces of her life as a baby, and wondering if her parents (Levy & Keaton) are still out there. She begins her journey, and Nemo and Marlin (Rolence & Brooks) take off to find her and bring her back...home.

Well, the odds are good that if you liked Finding Nemo, you're going to enjoy Finding Dory just as much.

If you think 2003's Nemo is slightly exaggerated on how awesome and important a movie in the Pixar catalog, and animation as a whole, then you'll find nothing here that's new and exciting, and simply appears as Pixar's attempt to print money.

Guess which camp I fall in?


As always, I'll give Pixar their due, their animation is top notch, and there are scenes where you'll swear you're staring at live action scenery, not recreated backgrounds.

However, neither of the Finding pictures makes my personal Pixar Top 10.

That said, they are not unwatchable, like The Good Dinosaur, so there's that.  : )

There are some fun new characters, and a few returns from the original as well.

The most notable new addition is Hank (O'Neill) the octopus that's going to help Dory in ways he can't even imagine.

Amusingly, most of my kids didn't see this one, as most were indifferent towards, or have never even seen Finding Nemo.

It is now streaming on Netflix, so I'm sure sooner or later, someone will give it a click, and we'll see how they enjoy it.

Final Grade: B-

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