Sunday, March 1, 2015

The Best Movie of 2015...So Far. "Big Hero 6"

Big Hero 6 (2014)


Starring Scott Adsit, Ryan Potter, Daniel Henney, T.J. Miller, Jamie Chung, Damon Wayans Jr., Genesis Rodriguez, James Cromwell, Alan Tudyk

Directed by Don Hall and Chris Williams

The Story:

Hiro (Potter) is a engineering prodigy who isn't utilizing his talents the way his big brother (Henney) would like. So a chance meeting at the university opens Hiro's eyes to the cool things that his brother and his best friends make, including the healthcare robot, Baymax (Adsit). Sadly, tragedy strikes, and it sets Hiro on a course for vengeance, and he's bringing some friends along for the ride. Will Hiro cross the line, or will his true heroics shine through?

Based on a true... nah, just kidding.

It is based on a Marvel Comic, though one you've likely never heard of.

So that being said, make sure you stick around through the credits for the usual Marvel teaser at the end.

The great thing about this one, it feels like a great comic book movie and harkens back to The Incredibles as seeing superheroes on the screen and it works.

This one could overtake that film as the best animated superhero movie ever made as well.

Time will tell.

There are also the usual bits and pieces of "been there done that" in the film, but that's okay, because just like in a live action film, if you're going to borrow scenes/ideas, borrow from some great films.

Like Iron Giant.


The other nifty aspect of these heroes, they don't have powers. They have abilities that they created in a lab which is far more realistic than you might think.

It's a great voice cast, and unlike most films, there really aren't any "stars" to overpower anything. Just some great voices bringing life to their characters.

Which brings us to Baymax.

Much like Leonard Nimoy brought life to an emotionless Vulcan and helped make him human, Adsit brings the robotic Baymax to life and makes him the heart and soul of the film.

Just go watch the film already, you'll be glad you did.

Tissues are optional, depending on your heartlessness level.


Final Grade: A

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