Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Time To Spice Up Your Salsa... "Cuban Fury"

Cuban Fury (2014)

Rated R for language

Starring Nick Frost, Rashida Jones, Chris O'Dowd, Ian McShane

Directed by James Griffiths

The Story:

Ben Radcliffe (Frost) is a young teen who loves to Salsa Dance.  His competitive dance skills are blossoming under the tutelage of teacher Ron Parfitt (McShane) but on the night of the finals, Ben is bullied, beaten and leaves his passion behind.  Decades later, an out-of-shape Ben has all but forgotten Salsa dancing, but when he meets his new boss, Julia (Jones), Ben is in love.  Of course, he is pushed aside by Drew (O'Dowd) his co-worker who has designs on Julia himself.  However, when Ben learns that Julia loves to Salsa, he begins to get back into dancing shape.

Based on a true story.

Because apparently one day Nick Frost thought of this story, and one screenplay later, here it is.

It's a little slow, perhaps deliberate, I'm still not certain, on the build-up to the story.  Then it gets going and about the mid-way point, there are changes towards the absurd .

Basically the funniest, and weirdest scene in the entire movie is the parking garage dance-off between Frost and O'Dowd.


Hilariously weird stuff.

I give them credit for trying some odd stuff.  Some of it works, some of it doesn't.

But it's all original, and the cast is more than willing to throw themselves into the material.

Frost is especially convincing as poor Ben who you root for to succeed as the ultimate underdog.

Final Grade: C+/B- range

Rewatchability/Purchase Factor: Too crude to be an engaging romantic comedy, too odd to be a perennial classic.  Silly, but otherwise forgettable.

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