Sunday, August 11, 2013

What Kind of Movie Title is "Dorfman in Love" ?

It's never too late to realize your dreams...

The Story:

Deb Dorfman (Sara Rue) is an accountant in her brother's (Johnathan Chase) firm.  Basically, she's the glue that holds the place together while he has all the fun.  Poor Deb has a huge crush on Jay (Johann Urb), a blogger who covers the plight of the world in the hopes of getting an anchor job someday.  He gets a short-notice assignment after just moving into a new apartment.  Deb offers to watch his place and his cat so he can go.  It's there that she meets the neighbor, Cookie (Haaz Sleiman) and he begins to make her question some truths that she has about her life.  Slowly Deb begins to break from the mold that everyone associates with her, especially her father (Elliot Gould).  Will Deb finally stand up for herself and go after Jay?  Or will she remain quiet about her true feelings?

Okay, first things first, it's a terrible title for a movie.  I'll give you that, right out of the gate.

Other than that though...

It's a quiet, engaging little movie starring a whole lot of people that you (most definitely me) may not have seen or heard of before.

In fact, remove Elliot Gould from the mix, and I dare you to know anyone in this film.

However, that's how some of today's stars are created.  You've got to start in something before you can go on to something else.

Sara Rue is a cross between Amy Adams and Nia Vardalos, at least in my eyes.  She does a good job of carrying almost the entire movie with her interactions with the rest of the cast.

It's encouraging to watch her slowly realize that she not only can stand up for herself and what she needs and wants, but that when she does, good things happen to her, and she feels better about herself.

Plus she learns some valuable lessons about herself and her friends along the way, and that's always a good thing.

Enjoyed it...

Final Grade: B-

Rewatchability/Purchase Factor: While I'm not rushing out to buy it, if it were to come on cable while flipping channels, I could sit through it again.

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