Monday, May 13, 2013

When Life Gives You Dark Clouds, Get a "Silver Linings Playbook"


The Story:

Pat, a former teacher (Bradley Cooper) is released from a mental hospital after completing his 8 month court-mandated stay.  He comes back to Philly to live with his parents (Robert DeNiro and Jacki Weaver) and hopes to reconcile with his wife who cheated on him...causing him to snap and be institutionalized in  the first place.  Of course, pesky things like restraining orders stand in his way, but when a chance encounter with Tiffany (Jennifer Lawrence) allows him access back into his wife's life, he takes the chance.  Tiffany however is not going to be used without getting something in return.

This is an interesting film.  It got huge rave reviews from critics around the globe.

It was good... don't get me wrong...


Was it award-worthy?  Meh... Not to my way of thinking.

I'm thinking for a lot of people they came to the realization that Bradley Cooper can act.

Well, for me, that's just patently unfair criticism, really.  It simply means that you didn't care for the other movies that Bradley Cooper has been in.  The guy can act.  Don't let his other acting credits in less than stellar movies sway you.

So it's an interesting character study, or at least relationship study throughout the movie.  You have Pat's interactions with his parents, his friends, his therapist, his family, and Tiffany.  Each pulls him in different directions.  All Pat does know is that he feels clearer in his head when he is not being medicated than when he is on the drugs.  A nice subtle dig at the pharmaceutical industry. :)

Tiffany comes on strong at first, and Pat is uncomfortable and not interested.  He definitely wants to get back together with his wife, but come on, it's Hollywood and we all know how it's going to end up long before we get there.

The sweetness factor is watching Pat and Tiffany realize what they have with each other, and them willing to fight, or walk away from it as challenges confront them both.

Final Grade: B-

Rewatchability/Purchase Factor: Dramas don't get a lot of love from me, because they are often just an emotional drag to sit through.  I could watch this again, some great performances all around, but I doubt I will buy the movie for the library.

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