Sunday, August 19, 2012

100 Greatest Movies of All Time...That I Own. # 51 ~ The Rock

Well, we know that the list was already perfected by the appearance of Nicolas Cage.

So apparently, it is now two times as perfect as it could have been, because Cage strikes again!

However, this movie lands on the countdown on the strength of Sean Connery's performance.

The 90s basically saw Connery wind down his acting career, but he went out with a bang, giving us The Rock and Entrapment (and Finding Forrester) before hanging up his accent.

I debated over which movie would make it, and in the end, the over-the-top action of The Rock beat out Catherine Zeta-Jones sliding under lasers...but only barely. : )

The addition of the always stellar Ed Harris as a misguided Marine also helped  push this movie onto the list with the pure starpower (and firepower!) from the assembled actors.

For those that haven't enjoyed this Michael Bay action-fest, the story in a nutshell:

Some Marines take over Alcatraz and threaten to launch the ever-deadly V-X rockets onto the Bay Area.  Naturally, the government doesn't think that's a very good idea,  so they send in one of their best agents (Cage) along with a former British Spy (Connery) who was the only man to successfully escape from...

The Rock!

Mayhem ensues.

Glorious mayhem!

As only Michael Bay can deliver.

And yes, you can mark me as a Michael Bay fan.

His first three movies (Bad Boys, The Rock and Armageddon) are all movies that hold up to repeated viewings, and Bad Boys made the original list, and then found itself bumped at the last second.  Armageddon was not in the running, because I can never fully get behind a movie that kills Bruce Willis.

Now if only Bay would stop directing movies about Autobots... unless they are voiced by Sean Connery!

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