Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Intramural Football Antics..."Balls Out"

Balls Out (2014)

Rated R

Starring Jake Lacy, Nikki Reed, Kate McKinnon, Beck Bennett, Nick Kocher, Brian McElhaney, Jay Pharoah, D.C. Pierson

Directed by Andrew Disney

The Story:

Caleb (Lacy) was the star of the college intramural football team, but when tragedy struck, he disbanded the team. Now, facing his impending wedding to Vicky (McKinnon), he wants one last shot at greatness with his old team as they face down their biggest rival (Bennett) one more time.

In the vein of just about every sports movie you've ever seen comes a film that used much of the talent that would go on to become the current cast of Saturday Night Live.

The results, like many SNL skits, are as varied and all over the place as you might expect, but the cast gives their all for the sake of the film.

McKinnon's Vicky is easily the craziest psycho you've ever laid eyes on, and it's no wonder that Caleb wants to do something, anything, to distance himself from their impending relationship.

Bennett plays the evil counterpart very well and makes the most of his screen time. It also allows him to broaden his range from the usual nice guy routine that viewers are accustomed to seeing.

The funniest part of the movie is the commentary from the bleachers by Pharaoh and Pierson who provide play by play for nobody in particular besides themselves.

The movie could have used some more of their wit overall, but you've likely seen worse movies out there.

Not a horrible start for the next generation of SNL players.

Currently streaming on Amazon Prime.

Final Grade: C

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