Thursday, January 14, 2016

He Was An Exceptional Thief... R.I.P. Alan Rickman 1946-2016


Every great hero needs a great villain.

They elevate each other and make one another truly memorable.

In 1988, a little film called Die Hard was released and that movie catapulted Bruce Willis from television star to movie superstardom.

It doesn't hurt that it's one of the best action films ever made, my words, and the general consensus of just about anyone else who has ever seen it.


Would it be nearly as good if not for Rickman's portrayal of master criminal Hans Gruber?

Not a chance.

Not bad for another actor of stage and screen who was making his first big budget movie.

He puts on a master showing as the calculating criminal with layers to his evilness that anyone who is cast as a villain should watch, just for pointers on how to help make your character truly interesting.

So while Willis went on to movie icon, Rickman became a great utility player, making many memorable roles and elevating the movies that he was in with his presence.

He brought energy to Sherwood Forest as the Sheriff and steals the movie right out from under Costner's nose.

Then he portrayed Alexander Dane in GalaxyQuest, the homage to Star Trek where his character, Dr. Lazarus, was the Spock to Tim Allen's Captain. He balances the role perfectly as the fed-up actor who hates being typecast but still loves acting.

And, while I've never bothered with the Harry Potter franchise at all, knowing that he played a main character in the films, it's about the only interest the movies had at all for me.

We'll see you again this Christmas, but it's going to be much sadder watching you fall from the top of Nakatomi Towers this year.

R.I.P. Alan Rickman.

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