Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Something Delicious To Be Had After Taking "The Hundred Foot Journey"

The Hundred Foot Journey (2014)

Rated PG

Starring Helen Mirren, Om Puri, Manish Dayal, Charlotte Le Bon,

Directed by Lasse Hallstrom

The Story:

After a tragic accident in India, the Kadam family move to France, finally settling in a small village and opening up an Indian restaurant. The problem? 100 feet away is Madame Mallory's (Mirren) restaurant, and she doesn't take kindly to competition. 

So that's the overall story, but the major focus is on Hassan (Dayal) and his quest to become something greater than just a cook for his father (Puri) at the restaurant.

This is the latest in Lasse Hallstrom's arsenal of quiet movies that tell a great story and you're glad to have been along for the ride.

Drama. Comedy. Life.

He continues to weave them all together in small movies where everything happens, and nothing happens, all seemingly at the same time, yet all of the characters grow and change right before your eyes.

Puri threatens to steal the movie away from everyone when he's onscreen, he's simply fun and bigger than life, yet plays the dad in a restrained, magical way that keeps you glued to his performance. His feud with Mirren is amusing and sweet.

Dayal is wonderful as the chef who wants to be something bigger, and then has to decide what he truly wants to be once he achieves what he set out to be.

Overall, you won't really go wrong with choosing to take this journey.

Final Grade: B-

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