Sunday, March 23, 2014

You Say You Want An "Evolution" ?

Evolution (2001)
Rated PG-13 for language

Starring David Duchovney, Orlando Jones, Julianne Moore, Seann William Scott

Directed by Ivan Reitman

The Story:

When a meteorite crashes in Arizona, two local Community College teachers (Duchovney, Jones) team up with a local wannabe volunteer firefighter (Scott) to fight off an alien race that is quickly evolving and could potentially destroy all life on this planet.

Trying to boil the plot synopsis of this film  down to its basic premise doesn't even begin to do it justice.

What could have easily been a dark or scary sci-fi thriller turns into a fun sci-fi romp instead under the guidance of Ivan Reitman.  It may not be Ghostbusters...

But it's pretty good.

And for my kids, this was their "Ghostbusters" film.

In fact, it's flat out funny and this one has been a staple in our house since it was released in 2001.

It's been watched so much, the original disc has not survived the first decade of its lifespan and has subsequently been replaced.

It was a nice change of pace for Duchovney who got to spread his wings a bit out from under the X-Files and show that he's got a sense of humor.  While he gets some zingers in, he gets a lot of mileage out of being the straight man.

His comic foils?

Orlando Jones and Seann William Scott.

Scott plays pretty much the same Stifler character that he does in every film, but much less crude in this film.  His standout moment?  

Serenading a monster in the mall.

My favorite though would be Orlando Jones who is hilarious throughout the movie, but that's no surprise.

The scene where he faces emergency surgery is STILL hilarious every time we watch the movie, and you just can't help but laugh.

That's always the sign of a good comedy, great writing and acting when a scene that you've seen countless times still puts the same smile or laugh on your face no matter how many times you've seen it.

Finally, in many movies, a song is used so perfectly that whenever I hear it on the radio, my first thought always turns back to the movie that used it best.

This movie lays claim to best performance of "Play That Funky Music".


The movie itself, well it gets played at least once a year.

Usually more.

Lots more.

Final Grade: A+

Rewatchability/Purchase Factor: Own it. Love it. Watch it quite a bit. :)

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