Tuesday, September 18, 2012

100 Greatest Movies of All Time...That I Own. # 21 ~ Parenthood

Today's entry is a movie that we have watched so often, we actually wore out the VHS copy that we had.

It marks director Ron Howard's only movie on the countdown.  He's done lots of great films over the years, but for me, this was his finest moment.  He takes an ensemble cast and presents... a family.  All of their ups, downs, sideways, quirks, flaws and love...

And the whole thing works.  This isn't an ensemble comedy that feels dated like some of the madcap 60s or 70s comedies.  There is strong actor after strong actor anchoring this film so that while it may be a product of the 80s, it truly feels timeless.

For those that have never watched this film... shame on you... it is the story of the Buckman family.  Patriarch Frank (Jason Robards) and his 4 children: Gil (Steve Martin), Susan (Harley Jane Kozak), Helen (Dianne Wiest) and Larry (Tom Hulce).  All 4 of those children are grown and having families of their own.

Their spouses, kids and significant others include Mary Steenburgen, Rick Moranis, Martha Plimpton, Keanu Reeves (Whoa!) and Joaquin Phoenix.

Steve Martin would be considered the main character in the cast of thousands.  His only foray on the charts, though Roxanne was a tough one to leave off, is my favorite role that he's done.  He proves that he can reign in the zany, and just be a fun, lovable dad.  Truly, every actor in the film hits the mark and is pitch perfect in making you care for them and their issues.

It's a must-see for anyone that has kids, wants to have kids, was a kid, knows a kid, or was ever born.  Yes, it's a comedy. Yes, it's a drama.

You'll laugh. You'll cry.  You'll enjoy what you saw.

Always living 3000 miles from home, we have to rely on ourselves as family.  There are no get-togethers, so we miss out on a lot of the craziness that ensues when generations get together.  Of course, you take the good and bad that comes with that. : )

Watching the events unfold in the Buckman clan, you should be able to see similar relationships within your own family, whether it's parent/child, sibling/sibling or married spouse.

The movie itself is infinitely quotable, and yes, much like many other movies on the list, many a Parenthood gets broken out as applicable.

Lucky for us, our 4th one wasn't Larry... but we've simply changed the number each time we've had another child.

So far, so good. : )

Tomorrow: Is it time for the Top 20 already??!!

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