Friday, June 8, 2012

Why Brody?

"Smile you sonuva..."

So why is Chief Brody hanging out as the background for this blog?

Why not?  Do you want to tell this man he can't be here?

But in truth, he is here because "Jaws" is the single-greatest movie ever made.


Yeah, suck it "Citizen Kane".  My shark eats your sled.

"Casablanca"?  Please.  You can always have Paris, I'll be content with swimming with bow-legged women...

So that gives you a bit of an idea of where I come from in my views towards movies.  I can totally respect the artform, the craftsmanship and put in the context of the time and conditions with which the movies were made....

But in the end, I want to be entertained.  If a movie can do THAT, then it will earn higher marks than the most well-crafted artistic movie ever made...that was dull as dishwater... : /  in my opinion.

I could be wrong.   But rarely about movies.

: )

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